We help people harness their real networks to win business
Client Size Price/User/Month ROI*
2 people
20 people
50 people
100 people
500 people
1,000 people
3,000 people
5,000 people
10,000 people
50,000 people
100,000 people
500,000 people

Frequently Asked Questions

We have clients who are a group of 2-3 sole proprietors that want to share their network with each other, to 50,000+ users at Global Investment banks with 90 offices worldwide. 

Price is based on the number of users and the size of the organizations network. For each person, we need to use AI to auto-build their profile, where they worked, where they went to uni, and read news on them every day to give your team an edge in sourcing business. Our average annual contract size is $300,000/year but we are now able to offer smaller companies (with smaller networks) access for $10,000/year. Email us on info@louisa.ai for a quote on your business need.

 We have three steps to guarantee value

Step 1 – AI & Data Readiness Assessment 

With AI, it’s all about the data. We start every engagement with a deep dive because everyone’s business is different. 

How does your business makes revenues? The number of clients, prospects, colleagues, and alumni you have? And what data you have on each? We do a deep dive over a couple of calls and meetings with stakeholder from the business, data, compliance and tech risk. We then help our internal champion (Head of AI, innovation or digital strategy) scope a plan that incorporates your tech stack, roadmap and budget, so you can get the most value out of our revenue-focused AI platform.

Louisa AI plugs into your organization’s email graph and figures out ‘what’ and ‘who’ everyone knows. We then ingest global news on millions of people and use AI to proactively connect people, to win business they would otherwise miss. Most buy all of this, some just our data as a service.

Email Relationship Graph | Entity Resolution | Smart News | Expertise Graph | Enterprise Social Network | Sales Intelligence | Enterprise GPT

Price: $2,000 – $20,000


Step 2 – Try before you buy 

We create an instance of Louisa AI to demo to your senior management with your company’s actual data that really brings the use cases to life. When your C-suite see Louisa AI working with your actual colleague’s expertise, client relationships, and global news connecting it all together, they ‘see’ the value.

Proof of Concept: Quoted during assessment


Step 3 – Return on Investment

 It’s now about proof of value for your business with our platform.

Whether your making millions of dollars on that next M&A deal, consulting deal, private equity deal, or getting that new client for $50k annual sale as a start-up, it’s the compounding flywheel effect of winning new business that leads to even more business across your organization. 

We track the top of the funnel opportunities that Louisa AI connects people and businesses on, by writing it into your CRM, and then can track which intros resulted in a $Xm of new business, and which died. So you have a quarterly measure of the 10x-1000x ROI we provide for each dollar of cost. 

Proof of Value: Quoted during assessment


Small companies (20 minutes): Our onboarding team can walk your tech administrator through it over a short screen share. For small companies we only need to integrate with Outlook or Gmail email graph.

Large companies: we offer an optional ‘white glove onboarding’ in case you need help organizing all the data needed.

  • Set-up: We set up your single instance on AWS (or Azure) and offer single sign-on (SSO).
  • Data marshaling: Our team can also help marshal the right data into the right shape. Missing data, entity resolution not working, we’ve seen it all before and can help come up with innovative solutions to get your expertise maps and relationship graphs in pristine order.
  • Data pipes: We offer integration with your corporate directory, client coverage, email graph, and whatever else you’d like to pre-populate via a secure data flow from Snowflake, Databricks, or S3 bucket.
  • Resolution:  We reconcile your internal data with our external data. For example we do entity resolution of “John.smith@hsbc.com.hk” to profile data from a variety of sources. 
  • User-interface: We install a smart bar on all your employee’s screens so they can ask Louisa anything.

AI is all about data, so we recommend starting with an “AI and Data Readiness Assessment” that is a small consulting contract.

The key here is to “shift left” and get stakeholder buy-in from inception so that everyone’s needs are met and documented upfront.  Our experienced C-suite team have seen it all, and help with real-world solutions and user anecdotes. 

We calculate the size of your network based on the number of investors colleagues, clients, prospects, alumni, and partners your business has. Understand the data you have on each and any gaps. 

We meet with a variety of stakeholders across the business, data, and compliance so that we can develop an AI roadmap leverages your existing tech stack, data, and budgets.

See framework below:

We have been tech-risk approved at some of the most regulated companies in Finance. 

Our CISO and CTO have implemented a very strong security posture. We are able to fill out tech risk questionnaires in 2 days given our trust centre that we grant secure access to that has all the evidence your team will need. 

  • SOC2 Type 1 and Type 2 certified. 
  • Data at rest is encrypted using 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Data in transit is protected by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS)
  • Storage is encrypted with cryptographic keys that are rotated at regular intervals
  • Enterprises can encrypt their data and retain control and management of their encryption keys by Bringing Your Own Key (BYOK)
  • Infrastructure is regularly penetration tested for security vulnerabilities, and hardened to enhance security and protect against attacks

We have built-in logic that caters to this, as well as GDPR and any privacy issues regarding the email inferred relationships.

Sure! For large companies, we can cater to your own instance on AWS, Azure or GCP. 

Yes! Although this really only makes sense if you have circa 50,000+ people. You would buy a permanent license for internal use only, where you would pay $Xm upfront and have an annual service and support contract with us. Will take 3-6 months with a tech integrator of your choice.

It would take 40 people five-years and $20,000,000 to build this technology. 


Launch Support

  • C-suite demo: Our Founder CEO is happy to demo this to your C-suite or board, he used to cover some of the largest Financial Institutions in the world has a lot to share with them in the rapidly evolving space of AI. 
  • Marketing emails: Our team has a pack of templates that you can choose from to help users understand what’s in it for them.

Ongoing support

  • Customer success: You will get a dedicated product strategist, who will make sure Louisa AI grows in it’s usage, capabilities, reach and value at your company.
  • Customer support: is 24/7, just email support@louisa.ai so NYC, Warsaw, or Bengaluru will respond.

Louisa AI can manifest value in different ways for differnet users

  • Serendipity as a service
  • Sales Intelligence as a service
  • Relationship Intelligence as a service
  • Enterprise Intelligence as a service
  • People Intelligence as a service
  • Internal mobility as a service
  • Succession planning as a service
  • New joiner onboarding as a service
  • Innovation as a service
  • Collaboration as a service
  • One firm as a service
  • Enterprise social network as a service
  • Chat GPT for your enterprise powered by people knowledge (not document knowledge)
  • Tailored corporate communications as a service
  • Public searchable goal-setting as a service
  • Executive search through warm leads as a service


Gated pricing for network size: The larger the colleague-client network, the larger the ROI but with it the costs for entity resolution, storage and compute increases as the number of users, companies, external people, relationships between each and the global news signals on each, exponentially scales. $50,000 per annum for an additional 50,000 external people over and above the 50,000 initial external people. Network gates are set at 150 per user. 

✓Knowledge: $x/employee/month (for ALL your employees)

✓Relationship: $y/external profile/month (for ALL the relationships in Outlook+Gmail)

✓Sales & Insights: $z/user/month (LLM driven deal-prompts for client-facing people that need it)


One-off statements of work

AI & Data readiness Assessment 

Email integration

CRM integration read-write

Attribution system integration

Github/Gitlab integration

WhatsApp integration

HR system integration


Annual add-ons

Single Sign On (SSO)


Dev and prod environment

Site-Reliability Engineering (SRE) for 95% up SLAs

Extra security pen tests


Yes, and enhance it, and work with it to fill it out automatically

Yes, just email us on support@louisa.ai

We can remove the LLM, just keep the entity resolution and use elastic search like algos instead.

Yes! Louisa is a fully responsive web interface that works on desktop, laptops, tablets and mobiles.

Yes!  Email us on info@louisa.ai

No, it’s your data. And we fully respect that.

Yes! The data is yours to use in any of your internal systems.

Corporate directory becomes a little redundant, so most put Louisa AI profile page to replace it.

Yes!  Email us on info@louisa.ai

Yes, but only if we agree upfront on a % revenue share of new deals we bring in, which we measure through an integration with your CRM.

Integrations and entity resolutions can cost $2000-$100,000 depending on the size of the network and CRM, so these will be pass-though costs.

We may also need to limit the number of external people in the network as the compute, entity resolution and data we buy has some real costs.

90% of employees at the firm’s we implement use Louisa due to network effects and daily updates to their inbox.

At a 50,000-person firm, we had 3,000 daily and 25,000 monthly active users (50%), with broad usage across 80 offices, front-office (for sourcing deals and cross-selling), engineering (for knowledge sharing and goal setting) and support functions (for navigating the firm). New Joiners and junior staff have 90% usage whilst senior leaders have 75% usage in their cohort. 

Get the greatest return on your largest investment: your people

Research on how investment bankers with larger networks internally and externally create more revenue opportunities for the firm and are promoted to leadership rungs quicker.

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Network Revolution

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AI Readiness data Assessments

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