Commercial Banking

In commercial banking, businesses earn revenue through various services, including loan issuance, account management fees, transaction fees, and interest spreads. They cater to businesses of all sizes, offering products like loans, lines of credit, and treasury management services. Their success is driven by the ability to understand and meet the client's financial needs while managing risk effectively.


Lena, a mid-level banker in the San Francisco office, is tasked with growing the loan portfolio by identifying and securing new business clients in the competitive small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector. Despite her strong analytical skills and market knowledge, Lena needs help identifying prospects that match the bank’s risk appetite and leveraging internal expertise to craft tailored financial solutions.


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User Journey

  1. Automated Insights: Lena receives a personalized email from the AI platform highlighting a surge in expansion activities among local tech startups, suggesting an opportunity for new business loans and financial services.
  2. Expertise and Relationship Mapping: The email includes a list of internal experts on tech startups’ financial structures and growth patterns and relationship managers with connections in the tech community.
  3. Strategic Outreach: Lena schedules a strategy session with these colleagues to discuss the best approach to engaging these startups, leveraging their insights to craft appealing financial proposals.
  4. Client Engagement: Following the strategy session, Lena, with the help of a relationship manager, initiates contact with several promising startups, offering customized financial consultations based on insights gained from the AI platform.
  5. Deal Progression: As discussions with a particularly promising startup advance, the AI sends Lena timely reminders to follow up on pending documents, prepare for negotiation meetings, and consult with credit risk analysts to finalize the loan terms.
  6. Deal Closure and Follow-up: After successfully closing the loan deal, Lena uses the AI platform to monitor the client’s financial health and industry trends, ensuring the bank can proactively meet the client’s evolving needs and strengthen the relationship.


Lena secures a substantial loan agreement with an emerging tech company poised for rapid expansion, demonstrating the platform’s ability to efficiently align the bank’s capabilities with market opportunities.

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