Corporate Finance (Underwriting)

Corporate Finance groups specialize in underwriting securities for companies looking to go public or raise capital through debt offerings. They generate revenue through underwriting fees, commissions on securities sold, and sometimes by purchasing and reselling these securities at a profit. The success of this group hinges on accurately assessing risks, market conditions, and leveraging our network to ensure the securities we underwrite perform well in the market.


Ava, a dedicated mid-level employee in our New York office, faces a significant challenge as the lead deal arranger. She’s tasked with underwriting a large bond issuance for a rapidly growing tech company looking to expand its operations internationally. However, understanding the intricate risks involved, especially in a volatile tech market, and coordinating with the right experts within her global firm to evaluate these risks accurately proves to be complex and overwhelming.


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User Journey

  1. Initial Insight: Ava receives an automated email from the AI platform early in the project, highlighting recent trends in tech investments and potential risks in the target markets.
  2. Expert Connection: The email suggests that Ava connects with Raj in the London office, who has recent experience with a similar tech firm’s IPO, and Li in the Singapore office, known for her expertise in Asian tech markets’ regulatory environments.
  3. Strategic Meeting: Ava sets up virtual meetings with Raj and Li, leveraging their insights to formulate a comprehensive risk assessment and marketing strategy for the bond issuance.
  4. Coordination and Execution: As Ava progresses with the underwriting process, the AI platform sends timely reminders to check in with legal for regulatory updates, finance for pricing strategies, and marketing for investor outreach plans.
  5. Closing the Deal: Throughout the deal, Ava receives curated news updates and analysis from the AI, keeping the team informed and agile in their strategy. This continuous flow of information and expert access enables a targeted and successful bond issuance.
  6. Post-Deal Analysis: After the deal closure, the AI platform compiles a report on the strategies used, the experts involved, and the outcomes achieved, enriching the firm’s knowledge base for future underwritings.


With the AI’s assistance, Ava successfully leads the underwriting of the tech company’s bond issuance, which not only sells out but also performs exceptionally well in the market, enhancing the firm’s reputation and generating substantial fees.

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