Global Markets (Sales & Trading)

Global Markets divisions generate revenue through sales and trading activities across a wide range of financial products, including bonds, equities, derivatives, and foreign exchange. The traders and salespeople work closely to match buyers with sellers while taking proprietary positions to benefit from market movements. The group earns money from the bid-ask spread, commissions, and trading gains.


Lena, a credit trader in our New York office, faces the challenge of capitalizing on market opportunities in a highly competitive and fast-paced environment. One day, she hears about a Dutch pension fund’s strategic shift towards US credit investments from her colleague in the Netherlands. However, bridging the gap between this high-value information and actionable trading strategies proves complex, especially when coordinating across global offices and aligning with the pension fund’s investment criteria.


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User Journey

  1. Early Alert: Before the market opens, Lena receives an AI-generated email alerting her to the Dutch pension fund’s interest in US credit, as a local Dutch newspaper reported.
  2. Expert Connection: The email includes contact details for Jasper, the sales colleague in Amsterdam who manages the pension fund’s account, suggesting Lena discuss the fund’s specific interests and investment criteria.
  3. Strategy Development: Lena and Jasper hold a conference call to align on how best to approach the pension fund, leveraging Jasper’s relationship and Lena’s market insights to tailor a compelling proposal.
  4. Proposal and Execution: Following the strategy session, Lena, with Jasper’s assistance, crafts and presents a customized trading strategy to the pension fund, focusing on high-quality US credit opportunities that fit the fund’s investment shift.
  5. Ongoing Collaboration: As the deal progresses, the AI platform sends Lena and Jasper reminders for follow-up actions, updates on market movements relevant to the pension fund’s interests, and suggestions for additional offerings that might appeal to the fund.
  6. Deal Closure: After successfully executing the trade, the AI platform assists in documenting the transaction details and prompts Lena and Jasper to capture any lessons learned for future deals, enhancing the firm’s institutional knowledge and client relationship management.


With the AI’s assistance, Lena secures a large episodic transaction with the Dutch pension fund, significantly boosting her trading volume and contributing to the firm’s overall profitability through a well-timed, strategic trade.

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