Operations Division in a Global Investment Bank

The Operations Division within a global investment bank plays a critical role in ensuring the seamless execution of trades, managing risk, and providing support for various financial services. The business generates revenue through service fees, transaction costs, and by optimizing operational efficiencies to reduce costs and improve the profitability of trades and investment activities.


Jake, a committed mid-level employee based in the Tokyo office, encounters a daily challenge in managing the complex web of global derivative transactions, particularly in reconciling trades across different time zones and regulatory environments. The nature of cross-border transactions, coupled with the need to stay compliant with varying international regulations, often leads to delays and inefficiencies.


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User Journey

  1. Initial Alert: Jake receives an email from the AI platform early in the day, flagging a potential compliance issue with a pending interest rate derivative transaction in the European market based on newly implemented financial regulations.
  2. Expert Identification: The email suggests Jake consult with Maria in the London office, who specializes in EU financial law, and with Chen in the Hong Kong office, who has managed similar transactions under these regulations.
  3. Strategy Formation: Jake arranges a video conference with Maria and Chen, where they devise a compliance strategy that aligns with the new regulations, avoiding potential legal and financial penalties.
  4. Implementation and Execution: Following the meeting, Jake receives scheduled reminders from the AI to follow up on action items, ensuring that all documentation is updated and compliant with the new regulations.
  5. Transaction Completion: Throughout the process, the AI provides Jake with real-time updates on regulatory news and insights from internal experts, helping him manage the transaction effectively.
  6. Success and Review: After completing the transaction, the AI platform gathers data on the resolution strategy, enriching the bank’s internal knowledge base and providing valuable insights for future transactions.


With AI’s assistance, Jake efficiently navigates a complex regulatory issue, enabling a high-value cross-border transaction to proceed smoothly, securing significant bank fees and enhancing client satisfaction.

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