Private Banking

Private banking businesses thrives by offering personalized financial services and advice to high-net-worth individuals. It generates revenue through management fees based on the assets under management (AUM), performance fees for investments that exceed benchmarks, and commissions for various financial products and services tailored to client's unique needs and goals.


Mary, a mid-level relationship manager in our San Francisco office, faces the challenge of providing bespoke investment opportunities to clients interested in sustainable investments with a strong potential for high returns. However, the rapidly evolving landscape of green investments and the need to align these with her client’s specific financial and ethical criteria complicate her task. Additionally, coordinating with experts across the globe to get real-time insights and opportunities proves to be a logistical challenge.


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User Journey

  1. Insight and Identification: Mary receives an email from the AI platform about a burgeoning solar energy company in Spain that’s about to launch a new project with high ROI potential and strong ESG credentials.
  2. Expert Collaboration: The email recommends she connect with Diego, a colleague in the Madrid office with direct ties to the solar company, and Marina, an ESG specialist in London.
  3. Strategy Development: Utilizing the insights from Diego and Marina, Mary crafts a tailored investment proposal for her client, emphasizing the project’s financial and ethical benefits.
  4. Investment Execution: After her client expresses interest, Mary coordinates with Diego to facilitate a meeting between her and the solar company’s executives, leveraging Marina’s ESG analysis to underscore the investment’s alignment with her client’s values.
  5. Ongoing Management and Reporting: As the investment progresses, the AI platform sends Mary updates on the solar project’s development, market trends in sustainable investments, and reminders for periodic reviews with her client to discuss performance and potential adjustments.
  6. Success and Expansion: Following the investment’s success, the AI platform suggests exploring additional sustainable opportunities, effectively broadening Mary’s portfolio of ESG-compliant investments for her client and enhancing client satisfaction and trust in Mary’s advisory capabilities.


With the AI’s assistance, Mary secured a significant investment in a groundbreaking solar energy project in Europe for her client, resulting in substantial returns and aligning perfectly with the client’s ethical investment goals.

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