Private Credit

The Private Credit business specializes in providing loans and other forms of debt financing to companies that are not publicly traded or seeking alternatives to traditional bank lending. Private credit funds often offer a range of products, including direct lending, mezzanine debt, distressed debt, and special situations financing. They cater to mid-market companies, leveraged buyouts, and businesses undergoing transitions or facing operational challenges.


James, a Managing Director at a New York Private Credit fund, faces the challenge of maximizing yields in a competitive market by using CLOs. Despite the strategy’s potential, the fund lacks the necessary expertise in CLO structuring and struggles to identify profitable lending opportunities for inclusion. James must solve this expertise gap and ensure the fund can effectively leverage CLOs to enhance returns.


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User Journey

  1. Sector Analysis: James receives an AI-generated email early, pinpointing a sector ripe for investment, based on analysis of global news and industry trends.
  2. Expertise Connection: The email identifies Lisa, an in-house structuring specialist in the London office, and Raj, a market analyst in Singapore with deep ties to potential borrowers in the targeted sector.
  3. Strategic Loan Selection: James connects with Lisa and Raj through virtual meetings to leverage their expertise and relationships, forming a comprehensive understanding of the investment opportunity.
  4. Structuring and Execution: Lisa runs the structuring of the CLO, segmenting the loans into tranches to match investor risk appetites and capitalizing on market demand for the exposure.
  5. Strategic Success: With the AI’s continuous prompts and updates, James collaborates effectively with his team to finalize the structure and secure the investment, leading to a significant profit for the firm.
  6. This approach demonstrates how Private Credit funds can effectively use AI to align internal expertise and market opportunities, particularly through sophisticated instruments like CLOs, to achieve strategic portfolio enhancements.


The new offering successfully attracts investors, offering them diversified exposure to a diversified sector with tailored risk-return profiles. The strategy ensures consistent interest payments and robust covenant structures, significantly enhancing the fund’s portfolio returns.

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