Research Use Case

The Research Division plays a crucial role in generating revenue by providing in-depth market analysis, sector reports, and investment recommendations to the bank's internal traders and its external clients. These insights help guide trading strategies, investment decisions, and advisory services, with the division earning indirectly by enhancing the bank's trading performance and advisory services.


Julia, a mid-level analyst based in the London office, faces the daily challenge of synthesizing vast amounts of global financial data, news, and reports to provide accurate and timely investment advice on the renewable energy sector. Given the sector’s rapid development and the influence of geopolitical events on market dynamics, Julia struggles to maintain an up-to-date understanding and leverage internal expertise effectively across the bank’s global offices.


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User Journey

  1. Automated Insights: Julia receives an email from the AI platform highlighting a sudden policy shift in a key market that could impact renewable energy investments. The email includes a list of recent articles and reports for context.
  2. Expert Collaboration: Alongside the news summary, the AI suggests Julia connect with Michael in the New York office, who has expertise in American energy policies, and Aisha in the Dubai office, who has access to key stakeholders in the renewable sector in the Middle East.
  3. Strategic Analysis: After consulting with Michael and Aisha, Julia integrates their insights with her research, identifying a unique investment opportunity that aligns with the new policy landscape.
  4. Report Development: Julia drafts a detailed sector report that includes the identified opportunity, supported by data and expert opinions from her global colleagues. The AI platform reminds her to include specific financial models and crucial risk assessments for her clients.
  5. Dissemination and Follow-Up: Upon publication, the AI system tracks engagement with Julia’s report and reminds her to follow up with key internal and external stakeholders, facilitating discussions on potential investment actions.
  6. Deal Closure: As the bank acts on Julia’s research, making successful investments in the renewable sector, the AI platform updates its database with the outcomes, refining its future recommendations and enhancing the research division’s efficiency and impact.


Leveraging the AI platform, Julia contributes to a pivotal investment strategy that positions the bank as a leader in renewable energy investments, securing high-profile clients and generating significant returns.

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